10 Ways to Make Fitness Fun this Summer

It’s the end of June, school’s out and the kids are getting restless.  They are probably less busy than usual, and more importantly, less active.  Children need to continue an active lifestyle in order to maintain health and wellness year round.  Why not get the whole family involved this summer by planning outdoor activities that get everyone up and moving?


Here are 10 ideas we love for kids and families to make fitness fun this summer:

  1. Encourage active play as a physical activity to get kids interested in exercise – tag, kickball, pickup soccer, etc.
  2. Take advantage of the summer weather to get outside and walk, hike or bike together.
  3. Swim laps or play pool games instead of tanning outside the water.
  4. Join a recreational sports league through your local community center.
  5. Make family time active by heading to the park rather than the movies.
  6. Give your kids chores that get them moving like walking the dog or helping in the garden.
  7. At the beach, start games of frisbee, football or volleyball on the sand.
  8. Sign your family up for a charity run/walk or bike ride and train for it throughout the summer.
  9. Try learning a new sport or activity together like tennis or rollerblading.
  10. Buy sports toys or outdoor game equipment for kids’ gifts instead of tech toys and video games.

How does your family stay healthy & active over the summer?

– The Savvy Staff

New Year’s Resolution: Lose Weight!

Ah, the age-old resolution at the beginning of each new year: lose weight.  Ambitious to cut those holiday pounds, people aim to eat healthier and hit the gym more.  As more and more people pile into the gym, we wonder whether the membership fee is really worth it if you don’t get the access to the machines that you are paying for. Invest your time in some at-home exercises and cut the cost of a gym membership fee with this easy workout:

  • Cardio:  A key element to every workout, you need to warm up your muscles and raise your heart rate to keep your metabolism active all day. Run in place for 3 minutes – just do a gentle jog in place to get your heart rate up!
  • Tackle 25 Jumping Jacks – make sure to bend your knees when you land to lessen the impact!
  • Do 20 Crunches – lay on your back with your knees bent, hands behind your ears and pull yourself up using your abdominal muscles – make sure to breathe consistently through these!
  • Hip Bridge for 10 Seconds – In the same position, place your arms next to your body for support and thrust your hips into the air on an exhale. Hold this position for 10 seconds, using your gluteal (butt) muscles for support.  For added intensity, lift your toes off the ground so that only your heels are holding you.
  • 15 Jump squats – start in a squat position and jump straight into the air, thrusting your arms overhead.  Bend your knees for a soft landing back into the squat position, and immediately jump again.
  • Finish with 10 Pushups – Create a plank position with your body, legs hip-distance apart and palms pointing forward. For an easier execution, place knees on the ground and bend your legs upward – this will alleviate any strain on your back.

Repeat each step twice for an easy circuit workout in under 30 minutes.

With this routine, you can save yourself up to $80 per month on costly gym fees, and in the convenience of your own home – do it whenever you have the time!